12/2: gregorian chants at the ready

We're binding books this week in my Vulgate Latin course. We've spent all semester learning about how important the Bible is for the history of the codex form in general, so binding books medieval-style is a way to complement our academic study of the history of the book. Tomorrow we'll be sewing our sections together, and some of the students half-jokingly/half-seriously suggested that we could listen to Gregorian chants while we work. So I searched through our CDs at home and found a collection of chants to accompany us at our task tomorrow.

1 comment:

Wolfidy said...

My Grandma used to have a few Gregorian chant CDs...she used to always says the robes looked comfy and she wanted one.

Hmm...good thing for yesterday...yesterday was really just a quiet day of playing Castle Crashers with Jerome. It was nice.