1/13: 55

Email messages in my inbox at work, that is. My dream goal is to have fewer than 50 lingering messages at any given time, but for now just moving from triple digits to double digits is a kind of victory. I'm going to do some more sorting and sifting tonight, so who knows? Maybe I'll even get under the 50 mark this evening.... Can I keep it there?


Wolfidy said...

I've been missing for a while, but I am back now!

I hope you can keep your inbox sorted out.

Today's good thing is my hubby's birthday. It was nice to have him call and know I was making him smile by remembering what time it was there and assuring him it had to be better than last year's boot camp birthday.

RR said...

Nice to see you back, Wolfidy! And I agree that any birthday that isn't a boot camp birthday is a good thing!