4/15: new view

One of my Etymology students told me today that the class has changed the way she thinks about--and even looks at--words. That's the hope for the class, but one can never be certain that the hope will be (or has been) realized. It's nice for someone to take the time to let me know.


Meri said...

... coming home and listening to all the wonderful details about my 9-yo daughter's presentation on "snow-balls" in her class... straight A didn't count as much as the fact that all her classmates were listening with their eyes (and ears) wide open... maybe she will discuss Ovid and Homer one day, who knows...

elaine said...

an early diagnosis means early treatment and favorable outcomes

RR said...

The very idea of a snow-ball presentation is making me smile! (I dare say that it would delight Ovid and Homer as well.)

And I'm all for early treatment and favorable outcomes; I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you, Elaine.