10/16: school-free saturdays

I'm in year 13 of full-time teaching, and it's the right job for me in many, many ways. But I find it difficult that there's no real end to any of the work: it could take all my time, be all of me. And for many years it was most of me for certain. For the past few years I've been trying to make sure that there's a bit of a Me beyond my work, and though it's hard to unlearn habits of involvement and immersion, I think I've succeeded in small ways. Still, Chris and I often find ourselves thinking of work and talking of work while we're at home (it doesn't help that we work at the same place). So this school-year I'm trying an explicit strategy of no school-work on Saturdays. It means that other days of the week are a bit tighter, but I think it's worth it. And this Saturday is the mid-point of the semester, so I've been successful for at least half the term. (As I type this, I'm realizing the perversity of celebrating the fact that I'm managing not to work! Working at not working....oh the weirdness of me.)


Barbara said...

Everybody needs a real day off. Then it becomes something to look forward to and those days of anticipation are as good as the day itself. Talk about win-win -- you anticipate for six days and enjoy the seventh!

RR said...

I know: it sounds so right, Barbara. But somehow it's been really hard for me to accept its rightness and not feel a little cloud of guilt for part of every Saturday. The clouds are getting smaller, though, and I think yesterday there wasn't really one at all.