1/16: five herons, and a feline appetite

Two good things for today.

The road to our house skirts the lake, and as we were driving home from town this afternoon we each saw five great blue herons scattered along the shore-line. (There were six total, but each of us only saw five of them.) This is a record sighting.

And Wilkie, who is suffering from pancreatitis, seems to be responding to his medications. Today his appetite was definitely better than it was two weeks ago, and his weight is up a little, too. This is a very good development.


Barbara said...

This morning we were out and about and saw 3 egrets in a marshy area and one deer crossing a city street. Sightings like that just make my day. (Oh look, look!)

We also have an elder cat we're worried about. That would be Belle - she's on thyroid and blood pressure meds and an antibiotic...

RR said...

I love that "Oh look, look!" feeling. For the past few weeks we've had so many great bird sightings that we've been exclaiming out loud a lot.

And best wishes for Belle--give her a hug from me!