3/27: an on-ramp of a day

Tomorrow is the return from spring break, so I've spent today creating a smooth-ish transition back into work. Truth be told, I did work every day of spring break except yesterday, but the proportion of work to non-work favored the non-work. Now the balance needs to start tipping in the other direction. To that end, I said goodbye to break & hello to school by:
- allowing myself to be fairly low-key today; it's the last rest-up before the end-of the-semester push, so I've been giving myself the comforts of soothing low lighting and lots of warm beverages to fight off a spring chill
- mixing work and pleasure by grading papers and doing prep combined with writing postcards and reading a book for fun
- going on a walk--slightly shorter than the other walks this week, but still a walk (making my walking record 9 days in a row, and reminding me that an exercised RR is a happier RR--something I need to keep in mind during the craziness that is April)
- doing my laundry; all my clothes (except my dry cleaning) are now ready to wear!

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