1/25: unexpected outcomes

I woke up at 4 a.m.  I could not go back to sleep.  Usually that would be a sure way to start the day on a bad foot (or worse), but today it set me up well:  I got out of bed, did some extra things before heading to campus, got to my office earlier than usual, and made good use of the time there.

It somehow seemed like it was going to be a good sunset evening, so although I was hungry I delayed dinner to go down to the lake.  The sunset started out like this:

And then somehow in a matter of minutes it became this:

It felt like getting two days of sunsets back-to-back.  The "second" was one of the most amazing ones I've ever seen (and that's counting some truly great sunsets in Italy and Greece as well as on the lake here).  The picture does not do it justice.

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