3/5: good question, good news, good email

In today's class we discussed this question about the Odyssey:  Could it be that Penelope knows that the beggar is Odysseus in disguise?  There's no definite answer, but we gathered evidence for both sides and also considered the interpretive stakes.  The students were animated, and that was a welcome thing since we're in a low-energy part of the semester.

This evening I found out that my abstract for a conference in June has been accepted.  This morning I searched this very blog to find out when I had found out about the same conference in years past:  early March.  So I knew it must be soon, and then my curiosity was so quickly gratified.

A former student who wrote me a lovely email in the fall wrote me a quick note again today about some topical things.  It was wonderful to hear from her, and it was especially kind of her to write since I hadn't yet responded to her first message.

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