5/8: fridge first

I finished almost all of my grading for the school year.  (There are only a few more things for me to read and grade tomorrow when I receive them.)  I thought that yesterday and today would be a bit rough because of the sheer number of papers I needed to read, but the students did such nice work that it was easier than anticipated.  So I found myself this evening with some unexpected free time.  I thought about writing to a few friends, and I really am looking forward to being back in better touch with friends and family, but I realized that I was too tired and so was likely to get sentimental or self-conscious or strange in anything I wrote.  Instead I decided to clean the refrigerator, a task long overdue.  It was never going to be easier, since we've eaten through almost everything but condiments. Not a glorious way to celebrate the end of the semester, but a good way nevertheless.

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