9/27: unexpected ease

Getting a new driver's license ended up being a much quicker, smoother process than I had anticipated.

The photo on my last license wasn't great, and it didn't make me want to sing when I'd see it every time I opened my wallet.  Maybe in 10 years I'll feel the same way about the new photo, but for now it seems like a much better picture of me.

A fine photo on top of a no-wait visit to the DMV--those were two good things to start my day.


Honoré said...

Not everyday one can say a trip to DMV to renew a driver's license coupled with a decent photo was a no hassle success! Last time I went, sev years ago, I was perturbed and my photo showed it. This time around, I was able to renew online - that was great. Downside, still stuck with the photo of my scowling face. C'est la vive!


RR said...

Yes, you understand, Honoré! Usually I try to keep a fairly straight face for those official photos, thinking that I'll look more serious and adult that way--but this time I told myself to smile my heart out, and it worked.