1. Chris gets up earlier than I do, and he always takes the cats and shuts the door of the bedroom so that they won't try to wake me up.
2. Tilde the Kitten came running up to see me when I opened the bedroom door this morning.
3. Less pain = more energy = better spirits. And it's easier to write with better spirits on tap. I wrote more notes this morning, making my pile of correspondence to answer now very small indeed. There's still email in arrears, but even that seems manageable now.
4. Blood oranges!
5. I enjoyed reading a set of my students' short writing assignments.
6. Loads of laundry done.
7. Chris came down to the lake with me at sunset this evening. Here are some reflected-and-rippled tree trunks and branches:
8. I'm getting more efficient at doing the site work for
Heron Tree. I'm in the groove now of making the PDFs, writing to the poets with their proofs, and posting on Sunday nights.
9. Time to do the sweeping and spend time with Miss Buncle on my iPod! Now that I hurt less, sweeping can be fun again. (Okay, if not outright fun, at least not something exhausting or demoralizing--and if I listen to my iPod at the same time it's enough of a treat to count as fun overall. We have a lot of floorspace to sweep, so this is not a negligible thing.)
10. I had left a blank space on the syllabus for one of my classes for tomorrow. On Friday we didn't finish our discussion, so it's perfect: less prep for me and the students tonight, and time to return unrushed to ideas tomorrow. Tilde the Kitten got some of the benefit of less homework for me--an extra play session before I turn in for the night.