7/31: rallying

...in the evening, after feeling poorly earlier in the day.

7/30: using

...preserved lemon to make a salad (and pasta) dressing.

7/29: being delighted

...by the little solar-powered fountain that floats in our bird-bath.  Chris bought it while I was away, and today I got to see it really going when the full sun hit it.

7/28: adding

...a little bit of punctuation to the pamphlet I formatted yesterday.  It was just the right touch.

7/27: deciding on

...a format for a pamphlet I had been tinkering with since early June.

7/26: returning

...to more concentrated work, now that I'm home.

7/25: thinking

...about the Odyssey as I read secondary scholarship. I didn't agree with everything I read, and that too was good:  it pushed me to clarify my own thoughts in the margins.

7/24: receiving

...ground coffee and fresh bread from El Salvador, brought back by a friend whom I picked up at the airport today.

7/23: opening

...some of the mail I received over the 3 weeks I was gone.  I've decided to open the envelopes gradually so that I can enjoy each one.  People have written me some very nice things, and I am grateful.

7/22: cruise control

...and GPS.  They helped me drive 1000 miles to Pennsylvania and then back again.

7/20: resting

...in a hotel room.  I could have tried to drive more today.  I could have tried to do work.  But what I really need to do is rest, and that's what I'm doing.

7/19: driving

...behind a horse-drawn buggy for a bit, just before I crossed the state line from Pennsylvania to Maryland.

7/18: meeting

...a friend's rabbit, soft and magical.

7/17: okay after all

I made chocolate meringues, and they didn't seem to work.  But left to sit overnight in the oven and then for another day, they dried up and were fine.  We had them as part of an Eton mess for dessert with a neighbor.

7/16: listening

...to Brian Eno's Music for Airports while walking in the Schwab estate gardens.

7/15: a third gathering

...for card night at my mother's house.

7/14: another Sunday visit

 ...to a museum.  This week I went to a different branch of the Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art, the one just down the hill from my mother's house in Loretto.

7/13: taking an unexpected walk

...along the Camino de Saint Francis Trail. One of the trailheads is at the lake where I like to go on my morning walk when I'm in Loretto, and I decided to use the trail rather than roads to head back to my mother's house. Though the as-the-crow-flies distance isn't much, the trail was very twisty and in some places impossible to follow, so it was in no way a quick walk home.  A 5-minute walk took about 10 times that long. But Chris was on the phone with me the whole way as well as watching my progress on Google Maps, so it was a fun way to take an unusual, uncertain, and muddy walk.

7/12: another

...dinner-and-cards night with friends.

7/11: enjoying

...cooler weather.

7/10: experimenting

...with a new-for-me kind of collage.

7/9: making

...an impromptu brunch.

7/8: having a game night

...in person with a group of friends rather than virtually, since we're temporarily in the same general area.

7/7: going

...to Altoona to see the galleries at the Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art.  The 2 temporary exhibits worked together really well, and I was able to see some new-to-me pieces from the permanent collection as well as visit one that counts as an old friend.

7/6: taking my car

...for a drive and not having the "check engine" light go on.

7/5: help

...with my car from a kind mechanic.

7/4: a great dinner

...with 3 contributors:  my mother provided pierogies and sauerkraut, a family friend brought vegetarian hot dogs and baked beans, and I made peanut butter and jelly pie.

7/3: tracing a path

...that works kind of like a meditation labyrinth through the Mt. Assisi formal garden.  I had figured it out 5 years ago (the last time I visited), but I had forgotten how it worked when I walked in the garden on Monday.  Tonight it came back to me easily.  And I really needed to have something like a meditation labyrinth as the day neared its end, so the timing was perfect!  As I finished, the fireflies were beginning to blink in the shadows.

And another good thing:  a collection of very nice and helpful people--some friends, some strangers--as I dealt with my mother's surgery and an unfortunate bit of car trouble.

7/2: seeing

 ...a groundhog enjoying the morning breeze.

7/1: chicory

...along the roadsides in Kentucky, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania.

6/30: getting through

...a bad rainstorm while driving across Kentucky.