12/31: with Chris
...baking pecan sandies, making a kind-of pizza with a no-yeast dough, and reading aloud The Dangerous Journey by Tove Jansson.
12/30: halving
...an egg. I had enough ricotta and citron to make one more stollen loaf (we've already finished two!), but the recipe is written for two loaves and calls for one egg. I used a vegan egg replacer, which made it easy to halve.
12/29: reading
...Arboreality by Rebecca Campbell. The third story--"An Important Failure"--made me cry.
12/28: reading book reviews
In the static of the semester I stopped reading the NYTBR each week, so I have a bunch of them stacked up. It makes me feel like me to be reading them again.
12/27: taking advantage
...of a non-rainy morning to go to Woolly Hollow.
...of a quiet afternoon to finish A Rome of One's Own by Emma Southon.
...of an evening which 3 friends had off to play Yahtzee via conference call and a dice-rolling website.
12/26: sipping a shirley temple
...(kind of), at lunchtime, using a sparkling grapefruit mixer as the base.
12/25: a variety
...of quiet good things. Eating stollen, seeing bluebirds, taking a walk, collaging with Chris, making some donations, drinking wassail gifted by a neighbor, texting with family, reading a NYTBR and a novel, enjoying the company of the cats, generally relaxing, and not feeling like I had to do anything in particular.
12/22: three
Bluebirds on my morning walk.
Art at the Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts in the afternoon.
A playful Phineas the Cat this evening.
12/19: getting
...annual Covid vaccine and flu vaccine shots today. Later than is ideal, but better late than never.
12/17: getting in
...a morning walk and a lunch of fried rice, as well as an afternoon and evening of solid work. I didn't do a very long walk, but it was still good to be out in the air and moving my body. Fried rice is my go-to weekend lunch, but since I was working from home today, I got to make it on a weekday, which felt like a treat. In the afternoon and evening I graded the final Percy Jackson assignments, and that went smoothly and clearly. After I was finished with that, I read the upper-level Latin students' semester reflections: they really liked the narrated PowerPoint assignments as well as our workshop atmosphere. Yes.
12/16: still taking a breather
...from grading. I wrote more cards--to friends as well as to folks on the Angel Card list. I drove a friend to the airport. I did a little grocery shopping. I listened to some of Vita Nostra. I read Emma Southon's chapter on Sulpicia Lepidina in A Rome of One's Own (and I wish I had had everyone in the upper-level Latin class read that particular chapter instead of its being one option among many).
12/14: taking
...my usual weekend walk for the first time in 3 weeks. I had been too ill recently, and I didn't want to risk getting more ill during the end-of-semester push.
12/12: recentering
...myself after a too-centrifugal yesterday. I listened to the beginning Latin students' recordings in the morning; I sorted papers in the early afternoon; I read (an article on Homer & fan fiction, Artforum, and some of A Rome of One's Own) while the Percy Jackson students were doing their final writing sessions; I continued reading this evening; and I wrote some notes to students unselfconsciously, saying good things that I wanted to say and not worrying about it.
And an extra good thing: one of the Percy Jackson students suggested that the class wear pajamas for their final (we call the class PJO for "Percy Jackson and the Olympians," so it would be PJs-for-PJO), and a bunch of them did wear pajama bottoms : ) I didn't, but I brought in my Schleich llama who is named Pajama, and I put Pajama on my desk for them as a good luck mascot.
12/11: acting on an invitation
...to go to a student's senior presentation (in another department) on queer theory & entomology. It was an interesting talk, and I was grateful to step back from my practical tasks and current woes and instead think about someone else's interesting thoughts (plus have some of my own).
12/10: getting more done
...today than I anticipated. I hope it will make tomorrow, Thursday, and Friday more manageable.
12/9: 122
...cards written by students & faculty for The Angel Card Project at today's card-writing session.
12/7: making lists
...for end-of-semester tasks because I was feeling overwhelmed by reminders on post-it notes. Listing items on different sheets--one sheet for each course plus an extra one for non-course related things--calmed me down. And then I did a few items and got to cross them off.
After I posted this, I remembered another good thing--a great thing, in fact--from today: there were at least 15 bluebirds at our birdbaths!
12/6: good thoughts
...about this old semester (a rich conversation in the Percy Jackson class today) and the new one ahead (ideas about how to plan some course components more smoothly).
12/4: handing out
...the little joke cards to students today, and I think that they liked them. This morning I had realized that I should add a quick message in Latin (bona fortuna) for the beginning Latin class and one in Greek (eu genoito, may it turn out well) for the Percy Jackson course. I also got the cards ready for the upper-level Latin class and included gaudeas valeasque (enjoy & be well).
12/3: one at school, one at home
A good thing at school: good conversation in the upper-level Latin class about Emma Southon's project in A Rome of One's Own.
A good thing at home: getting little joke cards with a well-wishing note from me ready to hand out in two of my classes tomorrow. I enjoyed laughing at the jokes and putting the cards into matching colored envelopes.
12/2: finishing
...the last bit of substantial grading I have to do before finals. There will be some little assignments later this week, but for the most part I'm in a grading respite until next week.
12/1: writing
...the first holiday cards of the season--to all the people named Rebecca or Becky on the Angel Card Project list.
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