10/21: making a midterm

(This good thing is going to seem odd, I think.)

I get a very real sense of satisfaction when I've made up a test that I think is a good test. I don't judge "good" by whether the test is hard or easy but by whether or not the questions are sound, interesting, and capture what we've been doing in class thus far. This morning I wrote the questions for my students' myth midterm on Thursday, and it made me want to take the midterm myself.

(I think the students would just sigh and shake their heads if they read this.)


MARTI said...

Hi, this is Ozlem (neandertal) from Postcrossing! :)
Here's my good thing for today:
One of my students in school made up a story in which I was a princess and she read this story aloud in the classroom. It was a happy ending and I loved it! :)

RR said...

How great that you were written in as the princess, and with a happy ending no less! Thanks so much for sharing!