2/13: direct understanding of indirect statement

There are 3 ways to express indirect statement in Greek, and for months now my students have only known 1 of those ways. This week they learned the other 2, and today we went over the homework in which they practiced the new constructions. It went very smoothly. The students are doing great work in the Greek class this year; I am so grateful to them for their earnestness and good spirits.


Anonymous said...

a circle of like minded women, breaking bread,laughing, sharing meditating and celebrating,

Anonymous said...

That must make being a teacher a joy.

RR said...

I'm glad for (and a little bit jealous of?) your circle of like-mindedness, Elaine. I'm glad your Friday included such a get-together.

And when teaching goes well, kikipotamus, it does seem like a joy of a very grounded, palpable sort. Sometimes the joy is mixed with pride that I'm doing a good job--but in the case of my Greek class, I think it's almost all them & very little me. They're that good.