6/7: books & bills

It's been very quiet in the house for the past hour and a half--perfect for straightening my office, writing some bills, and ordering some books. It feels good to get my financial ducks in a row. And buying new books makes me feel like I'm seeing a new horizon.


Barbara said...

I can't wait for when you report on the new books -- titles, for example. Some day you're gonna pick one I want to read "with" you!

RR said...

Hello, Barbara--These are the "pleasure" books I ordered yesterday:

My Cousin Rachel by Daphne du Maurier. I thought it would be a good page-turner for a long plane-ride I'm taking in July.


A Long, Long Time Ago and Essentially True by Brigid Pasulka. This one I chose because I saw a nice write-up about it in the Bas Bleu catalog and because I'm trying to read a little Polish literature to connect with my roots. I'm looking forward to this one very much!

I also ordered a copy of E. M. Forster's Room With a View. I read it this spring and loved it so much that I want to have my own copy of it (I had checked it out from the library).

It would be fun to have a book-club-at-a-distance sometime!