7/11: spending time with the iPad, and writing to a bee-friend

I just downloaded the BlogPress app for our iPad, and I thought I'd give it a try.

This morning I decided to do two things: reply to an email from a woman I recently met who is also a bee-keeper, and gain some familiarity with the iPad so that I'm not first learning its quirks while on my trip. To those ends, I went out to our hives and took a quick picture of some of them--my bee-keeping acquaintance had sent me a picture of hers and asked if I'd send a photo of ours back. Hers are much less rustic than ours! Then I adjusted the photo in the Photogene app, which seems really nice (other people think so, too, since it had great reviews). Here's the photo I sent:

And here it is, using the bleached-out macro in Photogene:

It's been greener than usual this summer, but sometimes the heat makes me feel bleached like this photo. It may not be how things really look, but it is how things sometimes feel.

So, as I wrap this post up, I have to say that BlogPress is going to take some getting used to. And I confess that I did switch to my Macbook to write the email to my bee-friend. But it's good to start learning this new device!

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