2/17: thinking about penelope

It's the spring semester, which means I'm teaching my Myth course, which means I'm teaching the Odyssey. It's both a pleasure and a challenge to find new things to say about the text each year. Today I spent time working out some thoughts about Penelope in books 17-19, and I felt like I got somewhere with my ideas. Which is always gratifying, but in this case it's also an indication of how much this particular poem has to offer: there's always more to discover.


Meri M. said...

... my morning beautiful would be seeing snow flakes dance in the air when I looked away from the computer...

RR said...

It's nice when there's a little reward for looking up or away from the screen. Just think: if you hadn't looked out the window, the flakes would have been there and you would have missed them. I'm glad you got to see them instead....