The novel I'm reading also kept me good company: The Shuttle by Frances Hodgson Burnett. This is my fifth FHB novel. I've read The Secret Garden, A Little Princess, Little Lord Fauntleroy, and The Making of a Marchioness in the past, and it's fun to see how The Shuttle incorporates ideas and themes from all the others.
And as if he knew I needed special cheering today, a blue-bird came to the bird-bath by the bedroom window while I was watching. How lovely. I just stood and stared with my breath held.
I was doing the same thing - except that it was a red-shouldered hawk just beyond the back yard fence. I could see it from the kitchen and grabbed binocs.
This first of march seemed to hold a few good things for everyone. I started working after three years of studying and it turned out to be the job of my dreams with great people and finally having something to do with reason. This satisfies me more than every good grade (I posted the bike-thing a couple of days ago, too. I found your blog through postcrossing and think it is a great idea. I kind of have to hold myself back to not write good things everyday... :D Best wishes, J.)
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