The land around our house grows mostly wild; I like to think of it as benign neglect, with us letting grow all the things that want to grow. One of the things that wants to grow is a wild rose-bush. This year it's profuse, almost riotous.
Life in late capitalism can be vexing, alienating, fragmenting, and otherwise frustrating. There are many wonderful things in my life, but I'm more likely to talk about what's bad rather than what's good. I'm going to try to post one good thing here each day, and if you would join in by adding a good thing from your day in the comments, I'd love it--I'd absolutely love it. --RR
We don't have that manicured look either!
I think we may be letting things get a little too jungle-y in places, but overall I'm glad we've gone au naturale. It certainly gives the bees more to gather closer to home.
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