3/26: nine days

...in a row of walking outside for an hour, possible because of spring break.  In the past week we've had all sorts of weather:  mittens some days, no coat necessary on others, spring in-between-ness for the rest.  I miss going to the indoor walking track sometimes, but it's nice to not have to drive to walk, and as long as it's not too hot I enjoy being in the day's weather.

And an extra good thing added later in the day:  Chris motioned for me to come onto the porch in the early evening so I could hear a whippoorwill.  I don't think I heard one at all last year:  Chris had heard one a few times, but by the time he got me so I could listen, the calling had stopped.  This one stopped almost as soon as I heard it too, but I did get to hear it--hurray!

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