9/28: reunion with a heron

I've been kayaking basically the same route on the lake since early summer, and a great blue heron has gradually gotten used to me. At first he would take flight at my approach, but by late summer he would stay still, even if I got quite close. A couple of weeks ago, though, I took a picture of him and hadn't seen him since. I felt guilty as soon as I took the picture--as if I were presuming on our friendship--and it reminded me of Sarah Orne Jewett's story about the white heron. Today, on my way out on the lake, I didn't see the heron, and I felt a little sad. But on my way back I was paddling close to shore, and I made the turn to the place where the heron often sits--and there he was! I moved away to give him space, and I thanked him out loud.

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