3/17: music too?

Over the summer I finished putting together a kind of performance piece which involved my translation and arrangement of a number of Sappho's fragments. One of the professors in the Theatre & Dance Department here is going to stage it next year. And yesterday one of the Music professors mentioned that she might write some original music for it, too!


Anonymous said...

acceptance,...life on lifes terms, makes every thing so much easier..

Anonymous said...

Today is a beautiful day, and no one seems to want to be cranky. Can't beat that!

RR said...

I need to remember that, elaine. Thanks for putting it in writing. I seem to have trouble these days, wrestling with life to try to get it to conform to my terms.

Anonymous said...

i have to learn it over and over again rebecca, and i take comfort in knowing that each time the lesson is repeated i become a liitle more fluent in the language of detachment surrender and letting go.

congrats on having your creativity find its stage...