9/27: waking to windows

We just had new windows installed in our house and the process took 3 days, with the contractor's team starting to work at 7:30 or 8:00 each morning. On Thursday and Friday, this didn't change my morning schedule much--I just had to speed up getting ready for school by 1/2 an hour. But yesterday it meant getting up at "school time" on a weekend day. It's not that I minded terribly: I got more things done yesterday than I would have if I slept in, and it was for a good end. Still, it was such a pleasure to sleep later this morning, to wake without an alarm clock, to have quiet and privacy in the house, and to have clean, bright, new windows to look out of.


Nietjuuh said...

receiving you postcard :)

Barbara said...

I get that one -- I was a single parent most of the week and this morning I slept until 9:00!

RR said...

I'm glad you got a bit of a sleep-in, too, Barbara!