2/12: red, red

This week may go down in the RR annals as "the week of slime." But even amid the slime there is loveliness: one of my advisees--entirely unexpectedly--brought me a red rose at lunchtime today!


Barbara said...

I am so enjoying unabridged audio books on my various commutes. With my current schedule it takes about 10 days to complete a typical book. I loved hearing Elizabeth Berg, one of my favorite authors, read her own novel, HOME SAFE.

This is trivia in it's most triavialness, so to speak. But jacquilawson.com has a new card out with an attached widget. The widget shows a cute little puppy which periodically animates itself and scampers or frolics or sits up at the bottom of my screen. Other times it just sleeps but you can see it quietly breathe! I cannot tell you how much I'm enjoying this little creature on my screen -- so much that I downloaded it twice (for free) and, since they are on different timers, they are sometimes both in motion, both asleep, or one is sleeping and one is chasing a ball or whatever. It takes SO VERY LITTLE to make me happy!

I re-started my Arts & Crafts program at Juvenile Hall. This week two groups of boys -- gangbangers and murderers -- actually happily made valentines, mostly for their mothers while -- get this ------- they listened to CLASSICAL MUSIC. I really looked hard for kid-friendly pieces -- joyful, melodic waltzes, a Sousa march, the Pomp & Circumstance march to encourage them to study and graduate, etc. and offered them an annotated & visual playlist. WHen I gave them a questionnaire about the valentines, other questions and the music -- almost 50% circled YES, they enjoyed the music. Sometimes I think delinquents and criminals are underrated in terms of the assumptions we have about them......

Today I attended a graduation for 12 new service dogs who were being handed over to their disabled humans. It gives me warm fuzzies to know that 12 people in this area will have more complete lives because of their very skilled canines -- and the graduation was also happening in 4 other cities throughout the U.S. so there are lots of happy people out there. - Barbara (in a particularly longwinded mood)

RR said...

What a wonderful list of good things, Barbara! I'm especially grateful for your sharing since I had such a hard week myself. You made me smile about humanity.