2/9: plenty

As Chris and I walked from my usual parking spot onto campus this morning, we passed a bush, still leaf-less with bright pink blossoms. It caught Chris' eye. It catches mine all the time, but I enjoyed getting to see it afresh by seeing Chris' reaction to it.

My Greek class did a great job on their quiz today.

One of my students said that her two favorite days of the week are the two days on which her only classes are Latin and Greek. (She has Latin and Greek on other days, as well, but on two days each week those are her only classes.)

We got cookies from Maggie's Bakery after dinner.

I had a nice two hours of work in my office at school after dinner. Instead of lamenting the fact that I was still at school, I enjoyed the focus and quiet.

I received emails from two friends, a postcard from a pen-friend, and a new supply of my favorite lip balm.

Some people wrote encouraging things about the photo postcards I sent them.

The contractors are done putting on our new roof.


Barbara said...

Gee, Rebecca, are you sure you did enough?

Honoré said...

Here's to a full and fulfilling day!

RR said...

Hi, Barbara & Honoré--It was a full day, and I felt lucky that there were so many nice things to think about at day's end. The next time I have a day filled with not-so-nice things I have to remember this one.