6/16: unexpected

Recent weather reports made us anticipate rain today, but it was dry until the late afternoon.

We took the wrong trailhead, so we didn't see what we had planned.  But we got to see this instead, which was probably better:

When it did finally rain, this owl didn't seem to mind the wet.  Chris made sure that I didn't miss seeing (and photographing) it as we drove by.

Back in town, we decided on a lark to eat at a place that brewed its own beer.  It was some of the best beer and one of the best sandwiches I've ever had.


Una said...

I love the picture of the owl. I really like owls. Really good photo :)

RR said...

Thanks, Una--I think it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to photograph an owl so up-close! I couldn't believe our good fortune....