8/9: new knockaround

I have a "good" camera, but I also like to keep a camera in my schoolbag, and my good camera isn't an appropriate candidate for that:  it's bulky, and I'd worry about it getting banged about.  I've had a faithful little point-and-shoot as my schoolbag camera for some years now, but this summer I'd been fantasizing about having a camera that I could also take kayaking (sometimes I really wish I could photograph the sky from the middle of the lake).  Today I got an Olympus Tough TG-820, which I can throw in my bag, take kayaking without worry, and even swim with.


Katherine said...

I've gotten another post card so was encouraged to get a new post card address. It was your address which led me to your blog, what a lovely surprise! So that is my one good thing today, and believe me, today an unexpected good thing is much appreciated :) Happiness to you, today and always! Kathy

RR said...

Hello, Katherine, and thank you for coming by! I know what you mean: some days any little thing that gives us an unexpected smile is so, so welcome.