8/7: a snake I wasn't scared of

Yes indeed; I'm scared of snakes. But today Chris found a baby-baby-baby snake in the hay--it was about five inches long and oh-so thin. I let it crawl over my hand a few times before we let it go again.


Barbara said...

I guess the good thing is that two of my dogs got the medical care they needed -- ear infections, one "hot spot," and a routine physical -- even if it did cost $500.80. Well, I guess the other good thing was that I could pay for their care even if it ended up on plastic. (They don't call me Pollyanna for nothin' - I can always find the bright side!)

RR said...

Vet bills can be high, but I agree: it's a good thing that you could get them what they needed! (If not for things like that, what is plastic for?) There are definitely days when recording my good thing is like looking for the silver lining.