11/18: being remembered

By a childhood friend. We're not in frequent contact, but she does send me a birthday card every year. This year's card was waiting for me in the mail when I got home after work. Just seeing her handwriting made me smile.


Anonymous said...

We found and got home and locked up 4 of the missing cattle this afternoon. I went out again this afternoon hoping to get more searching done but the weather was closing in fast, then by chance I ran into a hunter that had just been through all the area I wanted to look at and he assured me no cattle or tracks were up there. Being in the right place at the right time saved me a long cold afternoon, I think I'll curl up with a book instead. :)


RR said...

I'm sorry you've had cattle gone missing, April, but what great timing that the hunter was able to tell you he hadn't seen anything. I hope you enjoyed your afternoon with a book!

Honoré said...

Always good to receive an unexpected missive from an old friend...and happy birthday! Mine was this past week's too!
Cheers to a good year.

RR said...

Thanks, Honoré--a happy birthday & good year to you, too!