10/25: email

I try not to email students when I'm at home (so that neither they nor I will treat 24-hour access to one another as the norm), but tonight I was grateful that I could send them a quick note. I gave a too-long homework assignment, and it was nice to be able to email them to tell them not to do one part of it. Thanks, technology.


Anonymous said...

Our daughter "Skyped" this morning. She is in France for a year. She is a sophomore in high school. It has been difficult for my wife (and myself) to have our daughter away for so long. Time together is very precious but it was an opportunity that will probably shape our daughter's life in ways we will never completely understand and we could not deny it to her. So, tearfully, she is gone for awhile. It is 9 hours difference between us, so it was early morning for me and late afternoon for her. She said she selected the time because she knows I get up early. She wanted an honest assessment of "how is mom doing?" without the bias of her mom listening. I told her the doctors keep pulling rabbits out of their hat!! It's magic. My daughter is growing up. That's magic too. It's a good day.

RR said...

Yay for Skype, your daughter, and any rabbits that doctors can pull out of their hats!