5/14: reality check

I was brooding on some work-related frustrations today. In the late afternoon I went for my walk, and one of my neighbors was coming home from work so she joined me for part of the way. We chatted about this-and-that (mostly our families), and it was really good to get my mind off my brood-nest and into a less vexatious part of the world.


elaine said...

that i cant stop crying today, i think it is a good thing, i hope it is a good thing, tears always move me to higher ground

RR said...

I think tears are under-rated in that people often seem to assume that they mean one thing. I think that tears can do many good jobs; they can be a kind of work, and I hope they've done good work for you today, Elaine.

elaine said...

it seems they have cleared out some debris, i love when i can breathe so much deeper following a good sorrowful cry even when it lasts most of the day... thanks rebbecca