5/27: iRebecca?

In the battle of PC (me) vs. Mac (Chris), I finally caved.  Lured by the crisp loveliness of Chris' Macbook and indebted to Chris' decisive click of the "buy now" button earlier this week, I've got my own new Apple.  I'm typing on it now!  I'm a bit daunted at the thought of getting used to a new system, but my old computer was starting to make weird sounds and I was getting frustrated with various PC-related quirks.  So it's time for a change! 


Meri said...

... too busy to think about anything else but the moment I am in... what a relief... what a relief...

Unknown said...

I'm about to be in the same boat too! Shu Lan always lauds the Mac and finally convinced me to switch this summer [my previous laptop decided to commit suicide via motherboard fry-i-fication in January :( ].