12/14: my sighting

I know that having deer in one's yard isn't a rarity in much of the US. Some people even find it a nuisance. But for me--no matter how many times I see it--it's a magical thing.

Usually Chris sees more deer, more birds, more everything because he's an earlier riser than I am.

But mid-morning today, when Chris was out, I got to see five deer grazing near our bee-hives. It's been some time since we've seen them coming through the yard, so I was especially glad to get a view of them.


Rados said...

I'm sure it was an amazing view.

Today, my good thing was phone talk with my friend. It's nice to hear: I'm happy we talked.

Barbara said...

I am so incredibly envious, really jealous this time! I don't even see squirrels and I don't know why because there's a 2-3 acre lot sitting empty behind us. There are trees everywhere... There are lots of deer in and around town, but not near us. Bird, I do see.

RR said...

Hello, Rados--I love those conversations with friends that make you feel good inside and out.

I wish I could post a picture of the deer for you, Barbara, but they seem to sense when I'm aiming my camera at them and they run away, so I've stopped trying to capture their image and instead just enjoy their presence.